Check out our latest launch:
The launch of Menasha Packaging’s redesigned brand at the InStore Marketing Expo has now been amplified by the new Available to the world, and in resplendent color, the new site is a user experience dream. The new tone and navigation are designed to meet visitors with what they came searching for. Check it out–>
SPARK also redesigned the group structure to make it easier for visitors to find the product or service they are looking for.
Telling their sustainability story was an important party of the site:
“At Menasha Packaging, we take sustainability very seriously. We care about the world we’re leaving our children and grandchildren. We do not believe that just reducing materials is enough to qualify as good stewards of the environment. Truly working toward optimum sustainability requires a careful understanding of raw materials, processes, and impact metrics, and how they all combine and transform into products that reduce their impact on our planet. “